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Unsere Professor*innen im Profil
Prof. Dr. Lilit Mkrtchyan
Außenstelle Eppelheim
Handelsstraße 13
69214 Eppelheim
- Raum 2.11.1
- 2016-heute: Studiengangsleiterin Projekt Engineering, Professorin (DHBW Ma)
- 2012-heute: Professorin (DHBW Ma)
- 2009- 2012:Expertin Strukturverhalten (TÜV SÜD Energietechnik, Mannheim –Kerntechnik)
- 2008– 2009: Berechnungsspezialistin (Leybold Optics GmbH, Alzenau- Vakuumtechnik)
- 2007: Berechnungsingenieurin (EDAG AG, Neckarsulm – Automobilindustrie)
- 2000 – 2007: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (TU Kaiserslautern, Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe)
- 1996 - 1999: Akademische Weiterbildung in Technomathematik, (TU Kaiserslautern, Fachbereich Mathematik)
- 1992 – 1996: Leitende Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften- Armenien, Institut für Mechanik)
- 1992: Promotion (Dr.rer.nat.) in Mechanik
- 1988 – 1992: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften- Armenien, Institut für Mechanik)
- 1982 – 1987: "Rotes-Diplom" mit Auszeichnung in Mechanik (Staatliche Universität Eriwan, Fachbereich Mathematik und Mechanik, Armenien)
- Ermüdungsanalysen, Beul-Analysen, Crash-Analysen und Festigkeitsanalysen mit Finite-Elemente-Methoden
- Weiterentwicklung von kerntechnischen Regelwerken
- Entwicklung von Materialmodellen für FE-Methode
- Verbesserte Theorien für piezoelektrische Platten und Schalen
- Schau H, Mkrtchyan L, Johannes M. B2 stress indices for thin walled straight pipes with D/t > 50 and imperfections. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Volume 165, p. 43-50, 2018
- Schau H, Mkrtchyan L, Failure of thin-walled pipes with D/T up to 140 and conclusions for the design codes, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference PVP2016, July 17-21, 2016, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, PVP2016-63098, 2016.
- Schau H, Mkrtchyan L, Geier M. The influence of imperfections and nonlinearities on the failure and B2 stress index of thin-walled pipes. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology Volume137, Issue 6, (Paper No: PVT-14-1072), 2015
- Mkrtchyan L, Schau H, Geier M. Finite Element Analyses to reveal the influence of imperfections and nonlinearities on the failure of thin-walled pipes. Proceedings of the 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015), July 6 - 10, 2015, Leganés-Madrid, Spain, 2015
- Mkrtchyan L., Schau H., Hofer H.: Stress indices for branch connections with arbitrary branch-to-run angles:Transactions ofthe 21th International Symposium “Structural Mechanics in Reactor technology” (SMIRT), 6-11 November, 2012, New Delhi, India, p.813, 2012.
- MkrtchyanL., Schau H., Werner WolfW., HolzerW., WernickeR.,TrieglaffR.: Spannungsbewertung von Druckbehältern am Beispiel des Reaktordruckbehälters von Siedewasserreaktoren der Baureihe 69: Hanser Verlag, Kerntechnik, 76, No.4, S. 225-237, 2011.
- MkrtchyanL., Schau H.: Ermüdungsanalyse eines Druckentlastungsventils unter dynamischen Belastungen. Proceedings of theGerman Conference Simulia, Bamberg, Sept. 19-20, 2011.
- Schau H. Dunda H., Mkrtchyan L.: Grundlegende Betrachtungen zur Spannungsabsicherung von Rohrleitungen nach kerntechnischen und konventionellen Regeln. Technische Überwachung, Springer VDI, Ausgabe 5, S.43-48, 2010.
- Mkrtchyan L., Schau H., Eggers H.: Stress and fatigue analyses of PWR reactor core barrel components. Proceedings of Int. Conference Simulia, Providence, RI, pp. 647-657, 2010.
- Mkrtchyan L. Sahr Ch., Berger L.,Maier M.: Interactions among structural components during complex impact events. Int. Journal of Crashworthiness, Volume 13 Issue 1, pp. 9-24, 2008.
- Mkrtchyan L. Maier M.: Fibre reinforced polyurethane foam to increase the passive safety of vehicle occupants. Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering, vol.36, No 10, pp. 445-455.
- Mkrtchyan, Maier M.: Structural polyurethane foam: testing and modelling for automotive applications. Int. Journal of Crashworthiness, 1754-2111, Volume 13, Issue 5, 2008, pp. 523 – 532, 2007
- Fremgen C. M., Mkrtchyan L., Huber U., Maier M.: Modeling and testing of Energy absorbing Lightweight materials and structures for automotive applications. // Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 6 pp. 883-888, 2005,
- Fremgen C.M., Mkrtchyan L., Huber U., Maier M.: Die Modellierungsaspekte von Schaumstoffen:// Proceedings of IVW Kolloquium, Kaiserslautern 2004.
- Mkrtchyan L., Huber U.: Energieabsorbierender PUR Schaum zur Erhöhung der passiven Sicherheit von Pkw-Insassen. IVW Bericht No. 4541, Kaiserslautern , Juli 2004.
- Mkrtchyan L., Fremgen C. M.: Dynamische Stauchversuche an geschweißten und gelöteten Stahl-Crashrohren. Technischer Bericht der IVW, Universität KL, No 03 – 008, Kaiserslautern 2003.
- Maier M., Huber U., Mkrtchyan L., Fremgen C.M. Recent developments in testing and modeling of cellular materials subject to crash loads. // Composites Science and Technology’ Vol. 63, Issue 14, pp. 2007-2012, 2003.
- Mkrtchyan L.: Axiale Stauchversuche unter Temperatur- und Feuchteneinfluss. Dynamische Untersuchungen an Doppelhutprofilen. Technischer Bericht der IVW, Universität KL, No 01 – 017, Kaiserslautern 2001.
- Mkrtchyan L., Fremgen C. M.: Experimentelle Charakterisierung von Strukturen zur Energieabsorption. Hybridstülprohre aus Kohlefaser-Kevlar-Verbund, Technischer Bericht der IVW, Universität KL, No 01 – 015, Kaiserslautern ( 2001).
- Fremgen C.M., Mkrtchyan L., Huber U., Maier M.: Die Modellierung von Schaumstrukturen:// Proceedings of IVW Kolloquium, Kaiserslautern 2002,
- Mkrtchyan L., Fremgen C. M.: 3-Punkt-Biegung –und Quetschung. Dynamische Untersuchungen an Doppelhutprofilen. Technischer Bericht der IVW, Universität KL, No 01 – 016, Kaiserslautern, 2001.
- Mkrtchian L., Belubekian M. Bending and vibrations of cantilever piezoelectric plates under the influence of the electric field.//Proceedings of the 8thInternational Symposium on ‘Smart Structures and Materials’, Newport Beach, March 4-8, 2001 .
- Belubekyan M.V., Mkrtchyan L.R., Sargsyan M. Deformation control with the electric field. // Proceedings of the II International Conference of ISTC, Oct. 2-7, Yerevan 2001.
- Mkrtchyan L.R. On some problems of bending and vibrations of thin piezoceramic plates. // in “Functional Gradient Materials and Surface Layers Prepared by Fine Particles Technology”, M.I. Baraton and I. Uvarova (eds), Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, June 18-28, Kiev, Ukraine, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, Series II : Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry – vol. 16, Netherlands, pp. 143-150, 2001.
- Sargsyan M., Belubekyan M., Mkrtchyan L. Deformation Control by Electric Field Proceedings of Int. Conf. of ISTC. Yerevan 2000.
- Mkrtchyan L. Regularity of Interface Problems for the Poisson Equation.//Bericht:UniversitätKaiserslautern, 1998.
- Mkrtchyan L.R. On separation of transverse and planar vibrations of piezoelectric plates.//Proceedings of NAS of Armenia, Mechanics, 1997, vol.50, Nr.3-4, p.101-111 (in Russian).
- Mkrtchyan L.R. On one problem of forced vibrations of a piezoelectric plate.//Proceedings of the Conference on 65th anniversary of Dept. of Mechanics of Yerevan State University, 1995, p.45-47 (in Russian).
- Belubekian M.V., Mkrtchyan L.R. Vibrations of transversely polarized thin piezoelectric plates. //Proceedings of the International Conference on 'Smart structures and materials', San-Diego 1995, SPIE vol.2441, p.233-242 (Editor Peter Jardine).
- Mkrtchyan L.R. On a bending problem of a transversely polarized piezoelectric rectangular plate. // Proceedings of the Conference of Gumry's pedagogical institute, 1994, vol.1, p.100-104 (in Russian).
- Mkrtchyan L.R, Belubekian M.V. On the account of transverse shears and rotation inertia in the problem of free vibrations of a plate. //Reports of NAS of Armenia, 1993, vol.94, Nr4, p.237-243 (in Russian).
- Mkrtchyan L.R. On a problem of bending of a rectangular piezoceramical plate. Proceedings of the 16th Scientific Conference of NAS of Ukraine. Dep in VINITI 1992, Nr 1419 (in Russian).
- Mkrtchyan L.R. Bending of a circular piezoceramical plate by arbitrary axisymmetric loading. //Dep. in VINITI (All-Union Inst. of Scientific and Technical Information), 1991, Nr 1334 (in Russian).
- Mkrtchyan L.R. The problem of bending of a transversely polarized piezoceramical plate-layer. //Proceedings of the 8th Conference of NAS of Armenia. Yerevan, 1991, p.23-24 (in Russian).
- Mkrtchyan L.R. On a case of bending of a thin piezoceramical plate-layer //Proceedings of NAS of Armenia, Mechanics, Vol.44 Nr.1, p.20-28, 1991, (Translated into English by Allerton Press).
- Mkrtchyan R.E., Mkrtchyan L.R. The piece-linear law between stresses and strains of an elastic body. //Engineering problems of building mechanics. Yerevan, 1990, p.75-80 (in Russian).
- Mkrtchyan L. R. Transverse bending of a thick plate-layer made of a piezoelectric material. //Proceedings of the 4th All-Union Symposium 'Theoretical problems of magnetoelasticity.' Yerevan, 1989, p.138-143 (in Russian).